
I believe that good design has the ability to address the needs of people and communities in terms of function/program, economics, socio-cultural systems, and environmental conditions, to name a few. In fact, design, as a discipline, is one of the only professions that is forced to interface with all of aspects of society, the human experience and the natural world as part of the practical work we do.

Having worked as an engineer, and later as an educator, I had the opportunity to engage with society in more discrete ways. While both of these professional opportunities were rewarding in their own way, I feel called to approach community service in a more holistic discipline. I feel that architecture and design provides me the opportunity to develop tangible, sustainable solutions for people and communities, while aiding and empowering them to shape their own experiences.

It is the design process that allow us the opportunity to build resilient community by drawing upon the many aspects of our world and, consequently, manifest a better human experience. We do this all while preserving the world for future possibility. This is what inspires and drives me.

As an architectural designer, I see myself as a public servant – honoring the past, providing for the present, and preserving the future.

My Resume





